Please fill your details below. We will send you a confirmation email for your appointment.
  • Seeing us for the first time?
    We are grateful for choosing The Surgeons and aim to provide a comfortable and smooth experience for every patient. Our motto is "Caring Hearts, Evidence Based Minds, Skilled Hands" and our commitment is to strive to achieve it for every patient.
    Our Team will be performing initial registration and require your identify card or passport for verification of your personal details. Please note that there are various administrative requirements required by the hospital and Ministry of Health for each patient and their caregivers.
    (* Processes are subject to changes due to COVID pandemic policy requirements)
  • How long does the consultation take?
    The first consultation will require a detailed history and physical examination. If any procedure or surgery is needed, there will be a need to discuss the procedure in more detail, obtain and sign consent, as well discuss various administrative details (Eg financial counselling, date and time of the procedure and preparation required).
    Some cases may be more complex and take longer. The average time of a normal consult is usually 30-45 minutes and a complex case may take over an hour to discuss.
    We believe not to overbook appointments and provide adequate and comfortable amount of time for each patient. There may be some circumstances that we may be called away for emergencies, or there are some delays in the day from unforeseen circumstances. We seek your kind understanding on these.
  • What do I need to bring for the consultation?
    Please do bring the following:
    • Referral letter from your doctor (if any)
    • Any corporate health card
    • Past medical records such as reports, medications, investigations or test results
    Please dress comfortably with loose fitting attire for the consultation.
  • Can I eat and drink before the consultation?
    No fasting is required for the consultation unless specific blood tests like fasting cholesterol or blood sugars have been requested. Do check with our clinic staff via email or telephone before your come for the appointment.
  • How can I pay for the consultation?
    We would encourage using electronic methods for payment and we accept VISA, Mastercard or AMEX. We also accept PAYNOW and we will provide the QR code or UEN number for you in the clinic. If you wish to pay with a cheque, we can only accept Singapore Dollar denomination cheques from a Singapore registered bank and do address it to "THESURGEONS PTE LTD".
  • Can I use teleconsultation?
    We would not perform teleconsultation for the first visit.
    For subsequent and follow up visits, there are selected cases that may be suitable and the team will discuss with you.
    If you are keen for teleconsultation for follow up visits:
    • Please download Zoom app prior to the consult (download is free) and a link will be provided in the day of the consultation.
    • Do use WIFI networks for better connection.
    • We would suggest to perform the consult in an enclosed room to allow better audio. Do use a microphone or earphone to facilitate the consult.
    • Please note we are not able to perform a physical examination during this consult and this is not suitable for patients who have undergone recent surgery.